5 Ways to Reduce Excessive Phone Usage - OkaGilmer

5 Ways to Reduce Excessive Phone Usage

Maybe in this day and age you feel a variety of activities where we are always faced with technology, whether it's using a laptop/computer or smartphone or mobile phone, well the technology we use is of course used to access the internet, a repository of information that is continuously updated every day from all over the world.

Source: freepik.com

As a result of this easy internet access, we forget that we are spoiled with technology such as smartphones / cellphones and laptops / computers for a long time, sometimes we can even play all day without doing other activities or maybe doing other activities.

So maybe on this occasion I will provide 3 ways to reduce the intensity of excessive use of smartphones / cellphones, well how is the tutorial? let's discuss together below.

1. Using 3rd Party Applications

Using help from third-party applications such as "App Off Timer ” can help you reduce the use of smartphones and cellphones in the long run, well this application will provide a timer feature that you can use to set what time and how much the application will issue a warning to take a break first.

In this way, it is hoped that you can reduce the use of the device that you have so that you can do productive activities outdoors (outdoor).

2. Outdoor Activities Without Gadgets

Jika kamu ingin mengurangi penggunaan gawai atau ponsel dalam hidupmu maka kamu bisa pergi jalan-jalan ke tempat wisata ataupun tempat yang kamu kenali tanpa harus membuka smartphone.

Itu agar kamu tidak terus menerus menatap layar hape untuk melihat berbagai macam informasi mengenai konten-konten dalam melakukan proses tersebut.

Keuntungannya ialah, kamu tidak terus menerus menatap layar hapemu entah dirumah, bersama teman maupun diluar rumah.

3. Using the DumbPhone

Dumb Phone is an old school phone (old school version of nokia and the like) that may be widely used this year by people abroad.

They think that too much use of smartphones can ruin the activities they should be doing in the real world because they sometimes use smartphones more and waste their precious time.

Well this you can also do by storing or not using a smartphone / selling your smartphone and start using your dumbphone, of course this way you will not be too dependent on this one technology.


Well maybe that's just a few ways to reduce the excessive use of smartphones or cellphones, actually there are still many ways so that you are not too dependent on the name of a smartphone or smart phone, considering that you may often use it.