Why There Are So Many Podcast Channels Popping up on Youtube ? - OkaGilmer

Why There Are So Many Podcast Channels Popping up on Youtube ?

Lately, a lot of podcast channels have sprung up on YouTube, you can even see these channels starting from channels that have been running for a year, 6 months and even one month since the establishment of the podcast channel.

Source: freepik.com

Why does that happen ? why are there so many podcast channels suddenly popping up on YouTube? What's really going on? Well, there are several reasons why this podcast channel exists and many, and maybe on this occasion I will discuss several reasons why there are many podcast channels that have sprung up, well what are they ? let's discuss together below :

1. Easier Content Concept Creation

Who would have thought that a podcast channel is actually very, very easy to create? Just imagine it like an artist and news podcast channel, a podcast channel is just sitting on a chair or sofa and then we only see the usual background, there is no additional background that is wah, ordinary and not enough to make our eyes not tired when looking at it.

Some cameras are used to record the events of the podcast and also the mics of both parties to chat with each other, well of course that's all it takes to be able to create a podcast channel, and you don't even need to bother looking for guest stars to chat with, you just need to find guest stars that match what you are involved in, for example, if you master things in the automotive field then invite sources around you who really understand the automotive world too and the like, or for example if you are a blogger then invite bloggers around you who understand blogging.

2. Doesn't Cost Much

Itu juga benar, yang kamu butuhkan hanyalah ruangan kosong dan juga beberapa peralatan yang telah aku sebutkan di poin nomor 1, dan bahkan peralatan untuk mendukung perekaman podcast pun tidak mahal, kamu dapat membeli versi yang murah terlebih dahulu jika kamu baru memulai channel podcast.

Itulah mengapa banyak sekali channel podcast baru yang bermunculan karena tidak membutuhkan biaya yang besar.

3. Many People are Interested in Hearing and Seeing Iformation verbally

Nowadays information must be conveyed orally, not in writing anymore, maybe that's the fact that happens in the field where information in general must be conveyed orally, namely through the mouth, can be heard and can also be seen, not written by hand and read through the eyes anymore.

Not all, but most of the information has been transformed into digital audio/video products that can be heard and seen, because a lot of people nowadays really like to hear inside new (new point of view) from certain fields presented by the owner of the podcast channel.

So of course this is a great opportunity for new content creators who do have aspirations to provide information in the content they want to present, well one of them is by creating a Podcast channel and inviting guest stars who are competent in the issues and information provided.


Well maybe that's all i can say this time, hopefully you can all take the wisdom behind the channel or podcast content, not only wisdom but the lessons they provide you must also be able to practice because some of the podcast channels that exist today are even more interesting because they are presented by guest stars who are competent in their fields and add broad insights.