4 Causes of the BOOTMGR Is Missing Warning Message Appearing on Your Laptop / Computer - OkaGilmer

4 Causes of the BOOTMGR Is Missing Warning Message Appearing on Your Laptop / Computer

You must have seen this writing on your laptop or computer or at least your friend's computer or maybe not.

Maybe now I will tell you what this bootmgr is missing means, well this warning usually appears when the Windows file system fails to be read on the system, so you could say the Windows file system as if it never existed or was installed on your laptop or computer.

Sumber: google.com

Then why can this happen ? yes there are many factors, well one of the factors that I know is where the system fails to boot aka Windows files are deleted and lost.

However, there are 4 other causes why this happens and on this occasion I will explain to all of you what these causes are so that they can make computers and laptops have this bootmgr is missing warning, now curious? let's discuss it together.

1. Harddisk/SSD Has Started to Fail

The bootmgr is missing warning appears because the hard disk or ssd has begun to deteriorate, how to check is by using the sentinel hard disk software or other hard disk health checking software.

If the health of the hard drive has decreased, reaching 10 or even 5%, most likely the hard drive / ssd is damaged and must be replaced with a new one, so that Windows can run properly.

2. Incorrect RAM Slot Installation

Usually when we buy a computer or laptop, there is ram installed in the ram slot, and usually also the ram has not been checked for health for so long that sometimes we don't know that the source of big problems starts there.

Sometimes installing ram in the wrong slot can make this warning appear, either unreadable or it could be that the other slot is damaged, so pay close attention to whether the ram slot is problematic or not, if so then move the ram slot to the other slot.

3. Windows File System Deleted by Virus

This can happen if you install a lot of unknown and suspicious files on the internet, the effect may not be visible now but when you install suspicious software and are always caught by windows defender.

It could be that the file contains a virus, well when the virus successfully runs in the system, then this virus will begin to spread and multiply and infect system files.

The effect is that your laptop/computer will pop up a warning, namely "bootmgr is missing" where the virus has successfully deleted the bootmanager file from the Windows file system itself.

4. Accidentally Deleting System Files

Sometimes guilt often comes later, we think that it is a junk file but in fact it is not and even the files we have deleted are the Windows system files themselves.

Now this is a polemic, so because of the effect of accidentally deleting system files, it raises the name bootmgr missing, aka Windows system files do not exist.


Well maybe that's just 4 causes of bootmgr is missing appearing on laptops and computers, actually there are still many factors that cannot be explained why bootmgr is missing appears but 4 only with the 4 factors above are certainly very sufficient and can explain why the error appears.

Well hopefully this information can help you map the bootmgr is missing problem on your laptop or computer so you know what steps you should take afterwards.