5 Reasons Why People Honk When They Passing Shrines/Bridges in Bali ? - OkaGilmer

5 Reasons Why People Honk When They Passing Shrines/Bridges in Bali ?

Have you ever seen people who are driving and suddenly honk when they want to pass through an underpass or a sacred place or a place that is said to be haunted by most locals? Then why is this done? What is the advantage of honking in these places? 

Source: google.com

It turns out that honking is a common habit of the people in the village where it is located, so it can be said to be a "habit ” that has been done decades ago.

So on this occasion, i will summarize the points that i know why people honk in such places, what are they? Let's discuss together below :

1. As a Form of Respect to the Place

Some people around the place when they want to pass through a road that is said to be sacred or haunted will usually sound the horn as a form of tolerance to the surrounding guardians.
They believe that when they honk right at that place, they are sure that the invisible local guardians will feel tolerant and kind with the arrival of the person who honked the horn.

2. Not to be Misled

Well whether the rumors are true or not, but a lot of people from outside certain villages to villages that have haunted roads or sacred places or underpasses have their own mystical stories.

Many testimonies that the people often see figures (ghosts) of spirits who always disturb people who cross the road, well as a result of this in the end there are some people who sound the horn, because this method is an easy way and for them can prevent them from various supernatural disturbances on the road.

Because it was felt that there was no disturbance when honking the horn, finally the community began to follow this activity.

3. As a Form of Cultural Habit

Well there are also those who may do this as a culture, and it is just a culture.

Culture usually occurs from a habit of society that has been rooted for years, so it is certain that ringing the bell or horn is just a form of cultural habit in the neighborhood, of course there is no other agenda other than the preservation of culture such as ringing the horn in certain places in Bali.


Nah mungkin itu saja 3 alasan mengapa orang sering membunyikan klakson saat ingin melewati underpass/tempat keramat/tempat yang konon berhantu, semoga dengan artikel yang telah aku post ini bermanfaat untuk kamu, terimakasih.