Here are 3 Benefits of Reading/Watching/Listening to News From Various Platforms - OkaGilmer

Here are 3 Benefits of Reading/Watching/Listening to News From Various Platforms

News is a source of actual information or can be said to be information that has just been taken such as an ongoing event and the retrieval time is not long.

Now what exactly are the benefits of the news - the news is shared with the general public? is there an advantage for people who see it ?


Of course there is, because news is information that concerns the present so there must be benefits, so on this occasion i will provide a summary of the 3 main points why news is a very useful information for mankind, so what are they ? let's discuss together below :

1. As a Reminder

Sometimes people can be careless, if there is no news circulating then people will not know and care about what they do.

A small example is when parents are busy with their work cooking/washing and let their young children play outside alone when it rains.

Because the mother saw her child playing outside of course she didn't pay attention to him, well right after that the child suddenly disappeared somewhere in a heavy day, when the mother had finished cooking and realized the child was still in the terrace then she started to approach him.

She was surprised because the child was not in the place where he played earlier, then the mother searched for where the child was, now this is where the mother who panicked then reported the police, the police then immediately helped trace exactly where the child was.

Because it has been several hours of searching still not found, finally the search was carried out the next day, after the rain subsided, the rivers in front of his house began to recede, suddenly the child was found lifeless.

The child was found right under the river culvert 100 meters from his house by the surrounding residents, the mother who saw her son's body was then hysterical and could not hold back tears.

Now from my explanation above, the existence of news information can make other parents who are still difficult to realize and a little negligent in taking care of children but not leaving them for too long finally realize and care and increase their vigilance.

Indeed, in the end humans will really learn when they have seen evidence of something that has happened.

2. Knowing the Truth

This is true, news is the most up-to-date source of information that can be trusted because it presents a true account of an event or incident, for example, such as the war that occurred recently, of course we who are outside their area can become aware and concern (care) about it.

Because we are aware of the war that has caused many casualties, humans outside the continent will unite and create a larger community to stop these unwanted actions, as much as possible to make a ceasefire or peace.

3. Adding Information and Insights

Have you ever when you read the news too often you actually become quite knowledgeable? For example, let's say there is news about the discovery of rare animals and not yet recorded species, news about the discovery of ancient creature skeletons and ancient/pre-historic animal skeletons and news about the discovery of objects 1500 BC and above.

Of course you can wonder and have your opinion / point of view about all that, right? When your opinion / point of view feels deadlocked then you will start looking for these sciences on the internet and look for some books / journals that you can get.

Then you study it so that you get a broad insight into it, well from the news you become someone who likes to read and see information that contains a lot of knowledge in it, making you a very insightful person.


Nah mungkin itu saja beberapa manfaat membaca/menonton serta mendengarkan berita dari berbagai platform, sebenarnya berita-berita tersebut sampai kapanpun akan terus ada, selama teknologi berupa televisi/internet/hape/komputer/radio masih ada dan tersebar diseluruh penjuru dunia maka berita tersebut akan terus ada.