Here Are 3 Reasons Why Someone Wants People to Follow Them Back on Social Media - OkaGilmer

Here Are 3 Reasons Why Someone Wants People to Follow Them Back on Social Media

Social media is a platform that was probably originally created to be able to socialize with each other, different places, islands, different races and also nationalities of course.

Well lately social media turns out to be used for other things, whether spreading a news or can be used as a platform to make money and etc, so that people are competing to get high engagements to be able to achieve that position.

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Now with the various benefits of social media, it is enough to make anyone nowadays able to either just add relationships/friends and the like.

So on this occasion i will discuss a few points that I have summarized, why there are so many people who want to be followed back on social media, well what is their real purpose and what are the benefits for them ? let's discuss together below :

1. Want to be Noticed

Well people who want to be followed back after following someone on social media (whatever it is) apparently really want to be noticed where whatever activities they do can at least be seen by someone who is not from their family, most of them really want to show off the life they have because unconsciously that's what they want, which is " Noticed ".

2. Want to Earn Money by Becoming an Influencer

By following back someone who wants to be followed back, of course it can increase the person's profit where they can become an impromptu influencer who earns money.

By having a lot of followers, it means that most of the content / videos they have can be seen by the people who follow them, if they are followed then what happens ? of course the timeline of the person who follows them will be seen in friends of his friends.

Now indirectly they want someone to follow them back so when they create content and get liked by people who follow them back, then they will get more traffic, coupled with several comments on the content making them get quite a lot of engagement.

Now from this much engagement, they just waiting for sponsors or advertisers to enter their content and invite them to collaborate, of course they will get money from social media.

3. Want to be friends with each other

For some people, following each other is a common thing and normal, you could say that following each other on social media accounts is just a form of making friends, well by asking to follow back to our account, then they have accepted a friendship.

And the person who is followed back by the person asking to follow back is usually a person who already has a relationship with that person in the real world, whether from family, relatives or even friends.

Of course, the reason behind them asking for a follow back is so that the person can also see the content that the person asking for the follow back has as well.


Nah mungkin itulah beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang rela meminta agar di follow balik di social media, dan bisa saja ada beberapa alasan lain yang mungkin mereka miliki mengapa mereka sampai melakukan hal tersebut.

Akan tetapi mau mereka saling follow balik ataupun tidak, itu tidak merugikan siapapun, yang pasti dengan melakukan hal tersebut dan menurut mereka itu saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak maka itu tidak masalah.