Here are 3 Side Effects You Will Get If You Watch Porn Too Much - OkaGilmer

Here are 3 Side Effects You Will Get If You Watch Porn Too Much

Porn movies are movies that contain sexual activities or activities recorded by people, be it individuals or even production houses.

Porn movies are actually very helpful for men in making love styles that are easier and different from usual, at least there is a new refresher in the method of making love.

this image just ilustration. Source :

Namun akhir-akhir ini film porno sudah menjadi komoditas penting yang harus ada di setiap lini, dan mirisnya kebanyakan orang sangat menyukai film dengan adegan ranjang sehingga tidak sedikit juga orang yang rela menonton film porno secara terus menerus dimanapun dan kapanpun.

Nah hal ini juga merupakan efek samping yang sangat negatif yang bisa dilihat di masa depan, dan pada kesempatan kali ini saya sudah merangkum 3 efek samping yang akan didapatkan oleh orang yang terlalu sering menonton film porno, nah apa sajakah itu? yuk kita bahas bersama.

1. Lack of Focus

When someone is always watching porn, they tend to lack focus, as they are usually used to imagining things they might want to do with the opposite sex.

As a result of this, which is always sharpened every day by watching porn, the level of sensitivity to the surroundings and focus can also be reduced.

Such as not being able to follow learning well, not being able to get an inspiration, not being able to process the inspiration into something positive such as work and so on.
The point is that people who always watch porn are more likely to lack focus in doing something / work and make the work they should do worse for themselves.

2. Can't Control Sexual Desire

Watching porn excessively can make sexual desire uncontrollable, the effect of this uncontrollable sexual desire is always wanting and wanting to have sexual intercourse or sexual activity (masturbation) or making love with the opposite sex.

Now because of this, it can also have an impact on health, if you have masturbated, of course the health impact is very large, such as premature ejaculation.

Then there is another impact arising from this, which is where someone who cannot control sexual desire can become a criminal such as becoming a rapist and even becoming a serial killer, it's all because of the effects of watching porn excessively and not being able to control the sexual desires within.

3. Making Yourself Feel Anxious All the Time

This can also happen, when you often watch porn, the brain will release dopamine pleasure because porn can increase sex drive and happiness for anyone who likes it, but when watching it too often then usually the person will also experience anxiety.

That is because the effect of dopamine in the brain slowly disappears, a person will tend to want to find the pleasure and pleasure again, so that anxiety and anxiety arise due to the effects of reduced dopamine doses in the brain.

The sense of anxiety and anxiety is usually in the form of worrying about people around, keeping a distance from people, fear of making mistakes and the like, it can happen if the person watches porn too often.


Well maybe that's just 3 side effects that I know if someone often watches porn, basically porn helps humans in making an inspiration for the style of sex in a couple to improve a relationship, the fact is that if you are too excessive in watching porn then these things or side effects will be seen in yourself in the future.