Here's the Difference Between Trap/Shemale and Futanari - OkaGilmer

Here's the Difference Between Trap/Shemale and Futanari

Shemale, Trap and Futanari are terms that are often spoken by someone to indicate a person who looks like a woman but is actually a man.


The point is like that, well actually both Shemale and Trap or Futanari are very different guys, well the difference can be seen from the nature and physique they have, so curious what are the differences ? Let's just without further ado let's discuss together below.

1. Shemale is Not a Real Woman

That's right, a shemale or queer is a man who feels he is a woman inside, even though he knows that he is physically a man, but he denies that he is a man, he prefers to be called Mrs. or sister or a woman's call rather than Mr. or sir.

That's because they really feel that they are a woman from birth and they are in the wrong body, well this shemale usually will not hesitate to cut his genitals and change them into female genitals so that they will certainly be more confident with the closest people like friends who might doubt whether he is a man or a woman.

However, there are also shemales who do admit that they were once a man and are reluctant to cut off their male genitals, it is because they are well aware that they do not want to experience prolonged postoperative pain and also they can tend to return to being a man's nature.

2. Trap is a Man Who was Born With a Woman's Physique.

Different trap different shemale, most of the shemale certainly feel themselves women even though they are men, they are willing to make themselves a real woman but the male physique will definitely remain imprinted on them.

Well in contrast to Trap, a trap is usually a man who tends to have a physique like a woman, you could say like a short man, small hands like a woman, soft skin, slightly tapered temples, thin lips, women's eyes even not infrequently they are 11/12 difficult to recognize when already dressed up like a woman.

A Trap will be aware of himself which is a man, because a trap usually still has the thought that he is a real man, not poisoned by various thoughts that say he is a woman.

Now someone is said to be a trap because they mostly admire women in their lives, then they convert this admiration into something that they can feel and people feel, so they can be said to be a man who is doing cosplay and pretending to be a woman.

3. Futanari is a real woman with two genitals

Futanari is a real woman who has two genitals, it can be said that this futanari is a woman who has male genitals and female genitals.

Futanari itself can be said to be a type created by the Japanese mangaka itself, where they are fictional characters that never existed, because Japanese mangaka didn't want to mix shemale and also a woman who had male genitals but she was a real woman, so they made a sub-genre that could be said to be fresher and newer, called Futanari.

Now this futanari is usually made based on the plot of a woman who was originally normal or ordinary and then they were made to have a man's elephant trunk, whether it was the result of the effects of science experiments/aliens/viruses/the clitoris area was forced to enlarge with natural serums or serums with modern technology or she was told a futanari from the beginning because she was "different ” from most women in general
If you notice of course this futanari is different, different from Trap or Shemale, the first is that futanari will never exist because this is just a creation of a mangaka, then the second is that they have 2 genitals which is very, very impossible for humans to have, because as of today, futanari humans have never been recorded in medical journals.


Well maybe that's just some of the differences between shemale/trap and also futanari, although the 3 terms are often shown until now as bencong but with the differences that I have mentioned above at least can make the understanding of people out there wide open.