How Foreigners Make Money in Foreign Countries - OkaGilmer

How Foreigners Make Money in Foreign Countries

Have you ever wondered how foreigners make money in Indonesia? Maybe you have and maybe you haven't, but for those of you who have, you might be thinking “Oh, maybe he's retired and just enjoying the rest of his life in the country where he lives”.

That's not wrong, but what you might want to realize is that foreigners or what we call tourists are actually working even though they are in a foreign country, and the way they make money is actually a bit different than most people.


So here i will provide information on how these foreigners make money while in the country where they live now, now look carefully at the information :

1. Selling Goods Online

That's right, when they already live in a foreign country, the first thing they will do for those who do not work is to make money and for those who do not have the ability to play stocks / crypto, open a business in a foreign country or sell property in their homeland, of course selling online becomes the most loved thing by foreign guests living in the country they live in now.

Well the things they produce are of course various kinds of products such as home appliances/furnishings, designs, and the like that they make based on the inspiration they get where they are, for example if they are in a foreign country of course they will take inspiration from several places in the country as inspiration material, or they make with their own design style.

Then sold to overseas E-commerce such as shopify, wish or others, so of course it will be very profitable for them as long as they enjoy life in the foreign country.

2. Play Stocks/Crypto

There are also those who do work playing stocks or playing crypto, indeed these two things are different but both are done by investors today, and of course those who are already rich will not sell by opening an offline business or selling online anymore.

These foreign tourists will stay in luxury villas or apartments that they have rented for a full day, for money problems they don't need to worry because they are already rich from the results of this job.

3. Selling Property Overseas

This can happen if they work as property sales agents but live or settle in Indonesia for a long time.

Actually this is not a problem for them, wherever they are they can still run this business because if they are a property sales agent then they have what is called subordinates or staff who are already prepared to be in their home country.

4. Opening an Offline Business

Most foreign guests will open an offline business, well this offline business will be run mostly by local people, so this foreign guest will provide initial capital as the establishment of his business, let's say this foreign tourist wants to open a restaurant then what he will do is provide initial capital to people who want to work with him.

Now the person who wants to work together will be given the position as head manager of the business to be run, because he is given the highest position of course he must be responsible for all managerial inside and outside the business later.

Now the foreign tourist only has to wait for his plants to bear fruit every month, so indirectly he has invested in the program he created.

Is this legal ? Of course it's legal because this is not much different from what big foreign companies do to open branches in foreign countries, starting from managerial positions to the bottom must be prioritized by local people where the company is located because it is already stated in the law.

5. Become a Vlogger (YouTube) or Writer (Blogger)

Now some foreign guests who live in the country where they live now must have a job as a vlogger on a YouTube platform or a writer on a blog like this okagilmer does, but of course the topics they bring can be different.

They could be discussing travel topics, discussing hats about beauty blogs and the like, well they can get dollars from various things that of course they make on the YouTube platform or blog.
Either from people who are willing to place advertisements on their platforms, or if these foreign guests open writing courses on blogs or beauty courses such as beauty vloggers/bloggers can also and can earn.

Not only courses and advertising on their web/platform, they can also place Adsense ads there, so that their income increases many times over and they don't need to work offline or sell this or that anymore, they just sit back in the vill while writing or creating YouTube content and the money will continue to flow without fear of running out of money.

6. Using a Employment Visa

Usually there are also foreigners who work in a foreign country where they live using a employment visa, now this work visa can usually be applied for by an immigration agent in the country where you want to work.

For example if you are Mexican and you want to work in America, of course you have to have an American work visa and to make it you have to go to the American immigration officer, so that way those in the foreign country can work using the work visa in the country they are going to.

Now so these foreigners or tourists usually work through several middlemen, either from the employment agency or directly taken from a branch company in their native country.

So don't be surprised if there are foreigners in one of the big companies in your country, they could be using a work visa to work.


Well maybe that's just a few ways how foreigners earn money, wherever they are of course they will still work, it's just that we as ordinary people may rarely know about the work they are involved in, so again hopefully this information is very, very useful for you, thank you .