The Importance of Having a Boundary Wall or Commitment to Yourself - OkaGilmer

The Importance of Having a Boundary Wall or Commitment to Yourself

Boundary Wall or people call it Border is a term often used by Indonesian youth to explain that they have a boundary that should not be crossed.

The limit is in the form of a commitment that should not be violated as long as it is not time, for example, such as abstaining from looking for women before success or abstaining from smoking before adulthood, well these are things that are very clichéd but of course they are very very important in this life.


Well maybe you still think why humans have to have a boundary wall or a border on themselves? Isn't it without that they can do everything ?

So on this occasion I will provide information in the form of several points that I have summarized several things why having a barrier or barrier is very important, well what are they? let's discuss together below :

1. Self-Consciousness

The first benefit is self-awareness, well you should know that having a barrier in yourself can make you become aware of yourself, aware here is aware of your position.

Just imagine when you often watch porn, you feel eager to master the beautiful and handsome women / men according to what you expect, without this barrier, of course you will definitely look for the opposite sex easily and even be willing to commit criminal acts in the real world as a result of unstoppable lust, right ?

Well this is where the border or barrier is useful, the border or barrier or can be said to be this commitment is there to limit the movement and also the silly and stupid actions that you will do later, when you feel you want to have sex then you realize yourself that you are still not old enough, don't have money, not ready to take responsibility, not ready to provide for children and wife, what if the woman is even worse condition, not ready to be in prison, not even able to make the woman who will be invited to have sex happy.

All of that will appear in your head long before you do the depraved act, well that's the self-limiter / border in the self.

2. It's Easier to Focus on What You Want to Achieve

When you have a commitment or boundary wall, then you will usually focus on that commitment, if you don't want to find a girlfriend until you make money at least more successful than now, of course you won't look for a woman.

You will focus first on how to be successful in order to earn more and better than what you have now, so of course you will definitely focus on making yourself successful first.


Nah mungkin itu saja beberapa poin yang bisa aku berikan ke kamu tentang pentingnya memiliki dinding pembatas ataupun border ataupun komitmen pada diri sendiri, jadi dengan adanya pembatas tak terlihat ini yang ada pada dirimu, kamu tidak serta merta melakukan sesuatu atau segalanya tanpa batas.

You certainly still have to be able to use your common sense and sort out what is good and what is bad, it is so that you avoid the name of the disaster from your carelessness.