What Causes People to Be Toxic on the Internet ?

What Causes People to Be Toxic on the Internet ?

If you play social media nowadays, you might see that there are a lot of toxic people that you do and often encounter on the internet, and of course there are many reasons for this.

Starting from the new people who are indeed strangers or people who do have many problems but don't know where is a suitable place to express everything, of course the internet is the right place for them to release it.

But again, is that the only reason they have? i don't think so because on this occasion, i will provide some information that i know about why these people can become toxic on the internet over time, so let's discuss it carefully below :

1. Stress

Stress can make people toxic, as proven when people with high stress levels can easily do negative things when they accidentally come across things they don't like.

Well, it also applies when they might just want to relieve the stress in their minds on the internet, either by playing online games or opening social media, but instead they accidentally go with the flow by commenting on content that makes them itch to type and comment on it.

And in the end they end up contradicting each other and having different opinions, which of course leads to toxicity between them.

2. Lack of Love and Friends

People who have no compassion tend to be toxic, because most of them will seek attention., when they don't find attention in the real world, they will look for it in the virtual world.

Of course, those who don't know how to reach out to strangers on the internet will use the easiest way to get close to strangers on the internet, which is to become "toxic".

Why does being "toxic" seem to bring people closer ? it's because most "toxic" people will think that they don't need to hide anything and would rather talk without the need for censorship.

For them, when people see or hear the word "toxic" that they have thrown out, they think that they are one step ahead in making friends in virtual world, when in fact they are not.

In fact, being "toxic" will make it even easier for people to avoid you, which will be detrimental to yourself and others.

3. Unable to Accept the Situation

Well, this case may be a little different from the one above that I mentioned, because in this case it can be said that people can be toxic because some of them are unable or cannot accept the circumstances they are experiencing.

A few hours later, his friend John commented on the content created by Bob. John, who knew that Bob's animal had been kidnapped, commented like this: "Hey Bob, I feel like your animal might already have a new owner without your knowledge." (while providing a photo of his pet being captured by a stranger)

Bob, who saw the comment, was initially panicked and shocked, but because his thoughts continued to struggle because the comment containing the photo of his cat seemed to be slightly different, a few minutes later Bob commented “NO! How could someone take my animal? And also, where did you get that photo? It looks a lot like my pet, but I'm sure it's not him,” Bob said.

Here John tells the truth and still, Bob doesn't believe it. Then one day Bob accidentally said toxic words to John.

And because John was also not immune to Bob's words, he then replied to the toxic thing even more harshly, making their arguments filled with blasphemy/insults and even swearing at each other, and this continued all the way to social media.

Well, of course because of this, Bob couldn't accept the situation and tried to bomb toxic chat to people around him and on the internet itself.

Well, maybe that's all there is to it why can people who are prone to be toxic on the internet, thank you for reading.
What are Shemale Trap and Futanari ? What's the Difference ?

What are Shemale Trap and Futanari ? What's the Difference ?

Shemale/trap/futanari are usually connoted negatively for people who know these terms, but the fact is that you will often hear these 3 terms if you surf the internet.

So what are shemale/trap and futanari? why do people say these 3 terms as if they are the same? What causes that to happen?

Well, maybe this time, i might give you a little information about these 3 terms in detail and completely that of course you can understand, so what are they? Let's discuss them together below:


A shemale is a man who deliberately dresses up like a woman, from hairstyle to appearance and even physical form dominated by women, including genitals, most of whom sometimes remove their penis and replace it with female genitals.

Shemales are actually synonymous with men who have dedicated themselves to living as women, even though they were originally men, they still refuse to be labeled as men.

So of course if you look at these shemales and you ask them about their sexual desire, they will be more inclined to like men than women, because for them, they should have been born as women, not as men.

That's why there are some or almost many transgenders who have their entire bodies remodeled when they grow up to become women, with additional modifications such as silicone implants, more dominant female hormones, or making their bodies and faces more beautiful with surgery.

They do all of that so that their bodies are closer to those of women in general.


Trap is the man who is the same as and similar to these shemales. From the start, they look the same, but the difference is in their sexual desire and their awareness of their nature.

Most traps dress up like women because of work demands as well as hobbies (cosplay), or because they are in awe of the female figure, neither more nor less.
And indeed, some Traps also support being women, unlike shemales who may have shoulders like men, or thicker legs.

In fact, most Traps have the same shoulders as real women, small hands, beautiful eyes, almost the same size temples as women, and thin lips, making them look like real women with just a little bit of makeup.

But of course, they know their nature is male, they don't go as far as to change sex like shemales or add silicone to their breasts or anything else that can damage their bodies, no guys, they are 100% real men and they know that.


Futanari is a phenomenon where a pure woman has two sexual organs, the first being the external genitalia and the second being additional genitalia, which are male genitalia.

Well, futanari is actually fiction in a manga, it's a subgenre of an anime/manga created by the author.

Are there Futanari in the real world? No, I already said that Futanari is just a fictional sub-genre created by the manga's owner, so of course there is no type of people like this.

Here are 4 Things to Do if You Get Lost in the Mountains

Here are 4 Things to Do if You Get Lost in the Mountains

The mountain is a place that is often visited by people from various parts of the world and the mountain is a perfect place for some people who really want to release all fatigue and stress.

The reason is that mountains, up to this day this place become a tourist attraction and also a location for hiking. Mountains are also the habitat of several animals and plants that you might not be able to find in the lowlands, and mountains also have a lot of benefits for the people around them.

Even though the mountain is a beautiful place to unwind, enjoy the beauty around the mountain and also provide a challenge within yourself, it turns out that the mountain also holds a dark side where it is not uncommon for people to accidentally get lost every year. Some have survived and told their stories of getting lost during their journey, but some have also failed to return home safely and of course, this is a story that many people may know about nowadays.

Well, on this occasion, i won't discuss why they could get lost like that, It could be due to psychological influences and so on. But here I will explain what to do if you accidentally get lost in the mountains.

1. Not Going Anywhere From That Place

If you get lost in the mountain, never leave the area, even if it means changing your position to several hundred meters or even tens of kilometers from where you first got lost, why ? It has to do with your trail, If you get lost and you keep walking away from the first place where you got lost, it will make it difficult for the SAR (Search & Rescue) Team to search for you.

In the beginning, you were in position A, but now you are in position B. It is not uncommon for you to make many movements that make it difficult for the SAR Team to find your trail, so of course it will take them longer to find you.

2. Go with the River Flow

If you really don't have any acquaintances or close friends that you can invite to go hiking/climbing, of course you can follow the river, well you can do this if you go hiking alone and get lost.

That's because of course the first way is impossible if within 24 hours no one is aware that a climber has not yet descended and is lost above.

Well, but what you need to know is, you shouldn't have too high expectations when you start going down the river, why? It's because you could end up in a canyon.

What you have to do at this moment is to look for a way across the canyon even though you will go around it and it is possible that you will end up in the same place or somewhere even further away.

3. Remember Post 1 Location According To The Direction Of The Wind And Where You Are

If you don't have a compass and you only carry a smartphone, the first thing you can do in that situation is to check which direction is north from your location and make sure you remember which direction the cardinal points are where post 1 is located.

If your digital compass needle points north in front of you and you remember that post 1 is to the west, then face north, aka forward, now part of your right side is east, part of your left side is west, and your back is south.

So go to the left side, aka walk to the left side because your left side is west.

Now here you may not find a path, you could be on a track you don't know, and you could also end up in a canyon or ravine, of course pay close attention to your footsteps and the surrounding path, make sure there is no ravine or canyon ahead.

And usually you might go down, but not at the downhill position at post 1, you could end up in a village behind the mountain, it could happen if you don't know the path you are taking, because of your ignorance, your brain will program that you are walking as if you are fast, but you only realize that you have been walking for hours through various terrains until you realize that you are in a place that is 180 degrees different. That's why many people suddenly find themselves on another mountain or behind a mountain.

This is due to the similarity of the contours of the land and the surrounding environment, making the brain and subconscious process that he is walking only around that place, even though unconsciously he has walked quite a distance past the starting point.

4. Pray to the Creator (God)

Praying is something you can really rely on if you ever find yourself lost in a situation where you feel you have been led into by an invisible entity.

Maybe there are still many who don't believe, but for those of you who do believe, it doesn't hurt to take some time or free time to pray in the middle of the lush forest alone, with a clear and sincere heart to pray to God for help.

Well, below you can pray according to this paragraph line:

“Dear God, the source of all sources, I have lost my way in this forest, open a path for me to return from this forest, cleanse my mind/subconscious from the various manipulations of negative entities that are trying to hold me captive in this place, in Your name, I surrender, Thy will be done, O God, amen”


“O Lord, Source of all sources, I have lost my way in this forest, please give me a clue so that I can return home from this place, in Your name I surrender, may it be according to Your will, amen”

Say the verse above when you pray, make sure you must pray sincerely and solemnly aka “believe” in Him, then you will surely find a sign where you will realize if it is manipulation and return to the real world or you will find a clue where you will be directed to post 1 or to a resident's house.

Well, maybe that's it, the 4 ways I know that you can do if you do get lost in the mountains and have few resources, of course when you go hiking, make sure you have plenty of supplies, always think about the worst case scenario that might happen later like getting lost, so you can bring plenty of supplies to be used for more than the next 10/20 days.