How to Change Background Display Color on Google Chrome Browser In Computer

How to Change Background Display Color on Google Chrome Browser In Computer

Google chrome itself is a browser that until now has been used by some people around the world, because its speed and simple features can make it easier for new users to browse the internet, google chrome is indeed one of the many browsers that have a fast browsing speed
Oh yes, actually the appearance on Google Chrome can be changed, yes of course, because the appearance owned by Google Chrome for the latest update series can indeed be changed, especially the appearance of the colours given.

Now if you are bored with white or dark theme colours only, you can use other theme colours, you can choose blue, yellow, green, purple, pink and so on, there are many colour choices that you might be able to use here.

Well of course on this occasion, I will provide a simple tutorial on how to change the background display colour on the latest google chrome, well how is the tutorial? see below carefully.

Tutorial :

  1. In this first step, make sure you already have Google Chrome, if not then first download the latest version on the official google chrome website.
  2. If so, open a new tab on google chrome. then you will see a button "Customize chrome", click that button.

  3. Then there should be a sidebar menu from the right that appears.
  4. Here click the "Change Theme" button.

  5. Then here select "Solid Color".

  6. Then a page of many colors will open, here select one of the background colors that you want to change.

  7. If so, click the back button to return to the previous menu.

  8. Then click the back button again.

  9. Here scroll a bit down then you will see a list of addressbar colors change, here select according to the color you chose earlier.

  10. Now close the settings by clicking x button or pencil button that i marked white box.

  11. If you want to make the background color look dark, then you can use dark mode (By clicking the Dark button), so the color you have picked earlier will be more intense.

  12. Well if so then enjoy.

Well, it's so easy isn't it ? yes, of course it's easy because the features possessed by Google Chrome are very simple and the menu placement is actually not too difficult to find.
How to Turn Off App Vault Feature on MIUI 10/11/12 (Xiaomi)

How to Turn Off App Vault Feature on MIUI 10/11/12 (Xiaomi)

If you have ever or at least slide to the left until you get stuck on the xiaomi smartphone that you have on the Homescreen (Home). then you will see the same display as in the picture below.

Well this App Vault is actually an automatic shortcut that you can fill in a game. Important applications or can set news or news. so the functionality of the feature is very very useful if you want a quick way.

Well but there are some even most people who think the feature is just a nuisance on their xiaomi smartphones. Now of course this time i will tell you how to make the App Vault feature disappear from your smartphone homepage, follow the illustrated tutorial below:

Tutorial :

  1. Make sure you go to the settings menu.

  2. If so, select the "Home Screen" menu .

  3. Then here you will see the "App Vault" feature or menu .
  4. Here, turn it off by tapping the switch once. 

  5. Then an image will appear as below, And of course tap/press the "Turn Off" button. 

  6. Enjoy

Easy isn't it ? yes, it's very easy because of course xiaomi basically provides a complex and useful feature like that. they also think that most users of their smartphones may rarely open the features they provide. so that Xiaomi provides a feature that we can turn it off.
How to Block Software or Applications or Shortcuts on a Computer Easily 100% WORK!!

How to Block Software or Applications or Shortcuts on a Computer Easily 100% WORK!!

Blocking an application or shortcut can be done if you don't want to open the software or avoid the software from some family members who often use your laptop or computer.

The process of blocking shortcuts or applications itself is very easy and of course by doing this blocking process, your software or application will not be able to be opened because it will contain an error message as if the program is damaged.

Not only applications or application shortcuts, even game shortcuts can also be, so for those of you who want to limit the use of PCs or laptops in children, you can also use this one software.

Now on this occasion i will provide a tutorial on how to block applications or shortcuts on the desktop, well how is the tutorial ? just follow the tutorial below.

Tutorial :

  1. First make sure you have downloaded the files here.
  2. If so, extract the files that you have downloaded.
  3. Here run the program.
  4. If so, run the program. if the User Account Control table box appears, click the “Yes” button.

  5. Now on the program. right-click press the shortcut or application on the desktop then point to the empty box.

  6. This is how it will be if the shortcut/application that you drag and drop into this program.

  7. Here check the box that I marked. (if so then proceed to the next step).

  8. Now here make sure you select “Block only the list below”.

  9. Now click the green grass symbol that i marked the blue box.

  10. Enjoy.

    Now this tutorial is very, very easy. for those of you who want to unblock it. you just have to uncheck the software that you want to unblock. after that click the green check symbol. then click the "-" symbol.
How to Disable Windows Defender on Windows 10 PERMANENTLY

How to Disable Windows Defender on Windows 10 PERMANENTLY

Windows defender is a built-in windows software that is tasked with blocking various kinds of suspicious files. or viruses. and of course this windows defender software is a built-in antivirus that is indeed provided by microsoft.

Windows defender itself is getting better every day. some features that have been upgraded and also a User Interface that is so charming makes users feel at home for long in that mode. the scanning mode is also very, very good and directed.

But as time goes by. of course you must feel a little annoyed because windows defender always suspects various things. whether it's documents or even videos or applications installed on your laptop/computer. then force the files into the quarantine cage owned by microsoft itself. some people may and will definitely feel very annoyed.

Well on this occasion I will provide a way to turn off windows defender permanently. well without further ado just follow the tutorial below.

Tutorial :

  1. In this first step. make sure you have downloaded the file here.
  2. Now before running the program. first enter the windows defender. windows defender is no application / software made on the desktop. you can search for it in the search field box next to the start menu. or if you want the fastest, click the symbol tray icon in the shape of an arrow pointing up as shown below. 

  3. If it is found, then here double click the Windows defender icon.

  4. Now the windows defender program should open.
  5. Now on this windows defender page, click the menu that i marked the green box.

  6. If so, let the windows defender scan the virus automatically (let it stand first. don't close the windows defender).
  7. Now extract the files that you have downloaded.
  8. Your Windows Defender should block it if it's like this.

  9. Now open your windows defender. you see there is something added to the windows defender.
  10. So here click what i marked.

  11. Then here select "Allow On Device".

  12. If so, click the "Start Action" button.

  13. Now here will appear User Account Control, here just click the "Yes" button.

  14. If so, click the "Try Again" button. now the files that you have prevented from being deleted by Windows Defender can be pasted on your files.

  15. Now run the program on your computer or laptop.

  16. Now in the program that you run. click the "Disable Windows Defender" button. wait a few seconds. if so then restart your laptop/computer.

  17. And your laptop or computer should be blocked. if the program is red and the indicator shows "off " as shown below.

  18. If so then Enjoy. 

Now the tutorial is so simple and easy. oh yes. if when pressing the “Disable Windows Defender ‘ button you are asked to turn off ’Temper Protection”. then open your Windows Defender first. 

  1. If so, click the "Virus And Threat Protection" menu.

  2. After that click the “Manage Settings” word under the “Virus & Threat Protection Settings” menu.

  3. Then here scroll down. then here click the button that i marked the blue color to turn off.

  4. Now there should be User Account Control that appears. here just click the "Yes" button.

  5. Now run the program again. and press the "Disable Windows Defender" button until the program display is red and the "off " indicator is visible.
  6. if so then Enjoy.

The tutorial is simple, but for ordinary people this tutorial is very complicated,  take it easy guys, i've made it very detailed, indeed microsoft lately will suspect any hacktools that involve changing their security system.

But one thing you need to know, if in the future you still rely on windows defender, then of course don't turn off your windows defender for too long in this way, because it will have fatal consequences. which is where windows defender will not be able to be reopened due to defender files that should be updated regularly automatically, as a result the files supporting windows defender are corrupt and damaged, if that happen then the only way to bring back normal your windows defender is reinstall it, so be carefull.
How to Fix Broken Shortcut Icon or White Blank on Computer Desktop

How to Fix Broken Shortcut Icon or White Blank on Computer Desktop

The icon that is damaged or blank white or the icon of the shortcut is not there, aka empty, usually because the original application in the system program files is sometimes not reconnected with the shortcut. The causes can vary, whether it is affected by a virus attack so that the icon cache data is consumed by the virus, transferring data from the shortcut files of the program concerned (so moving data files from the shortcut program whose icon is damaged) to accidental deletion that you did in the past and you just realized when you saw the impact or effect,

Now to deal with each of these problems first recognize the characteristics, to see if the target files of the application are still connected by a shortcut, then right-click then select "Properties". here select the "Shortcut" menu well on the shortcut menu you will see there is a "Target"column box,

The target column box functions to connect the original application clone with the clone application (shortcut) on the desktop so that when we run the shortcut it is automatically as if we have run the original application.

Now if you feel the correct location of the application files and there is, then that is not the cause, so re-examine why the shortcut icon is damaged, if the original application is not deleted in the file system and is still intact then you must scan your laptop or computer, is there a virus lodged, if not then most likely you deleted the cache files from the icon in the %temp% folder.

Now on this occasion i will provide a very, very simple tutorial for those of you who are experiencing problems like this, well how is the tutorial ? just follow the tutorial below.


  1. In this first step, download the program here first.
  2. If so, extract the files that you have downloaded.
  3. Now here run the program according to the bit on your laptop or computer.
  4. Now here click double click the program that you have selected according to the bit on your laptop or computer.
  5. Then if that is indeed the problem, namely number 3. namely the cache files, the shortcut is accidentally deleted by the system / antivirus because the cache files are suspected of being malware and infected with a virus. the shortcut icon will return to normal.
  6. Well if so then enjoy.

Well maybe that's all the ways I know to restore it instantly, if that doesn't work then you can create a new shortcut again from the affected shortcut software, for example if the google chrome shortcut becomes corrupt and blank white, when you run it it can still be run then just go directly to the google chrome data folder and create a shortcut from the original application.